Download Bluetooth hc 06 arduino uno

<p>I am fairly new to Arduino and I accidentally changed the baudrate and name of my HC Bluetooth module with the following code. Now I'm unable to revert back to the default settings baudrate and name HC and I don't how to fix this. I tried entering serial AT commands but I get no response. I also made sure the HC module is not paired with any other device, but still no response. Secondary Datasheet For Reference Apparently I set the baudrate tonot So now I was able to change the baudrate and name through the baudrate. By posting your answer, you agree to the bluetooth hc 06 arduino uno policy and terms of service. Sign up or log in to customize your list. Start here for a quick overview of the site. Detailed answers to bluetooth hc 06 arduino uno questions you might have. Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company. Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. Join the Stack Overflow Community. Stack Overflow is a community of 7. Join them; it only takes a minute:. Resetting the HC Bluetooth module with Arduino Uno? This is my first post on Stackoverflow so I hope you can answer my question. I also tried different sources and terminals besides the Arduino Serial monitor, like So my question is as follows: How am I supposed to revert the changes I made to the HC Bluetooth module, preferably back to baudrate ? Thank you in advance. Probably you can use a terminal program and try to send AT commands on various baudrates until it responds. Then change back to through the terminal program. Nov 11 '16 at I did as you suggested using Tera Term, no response unfortunately. Did your switch your Tera Term to bauds after sending the mySerial.</p>

Add Bluetooth to Your Arduino Project - Arduino+HC 8 Steps
HC Bluetooth Module To Arduino Uno | Let's Make Robots! | RobotShop
Add Bluetooth to Your Arduino Project - Arduino+HC 8 Steps